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Hillary Stiff's HostingCon 2017 Valuation Slides

Below is a link to Hillary Stiff's slides from HostingCon 2017 on current valuations in the hosting and cloud markets. Please feel free to send over any questions.

Cheval Capital, Inc.

Disclaimer: This post is for general information purposes and is not meant to be taken as financial advice, a recommendation to buy or sell any stocks mentioned above, a comprehensive discussion of valuation or how to do the calculations discussed. Please be sure to consult your financial advisors when valuing your company, considering the sale or purchase of a business or making other financial decisions.


Here is our conference schedule for the next few months.

  • World Hosting Days – March 27-30, 2017. Rust, Germany
  • HostingCon – April 3-6, 2017. Los Angeles, California
    • Hosting Feud with Drinks Game Show on April 3rd at 5pm.
    • Hillary Stiff is speaking on the current climate and trends in M&A on April 5th.
  • Pressnomics – April 7, 2017. Tempe, Arizona

Please let us know if you will be attending any of these as we'd enjoy meeting up!

Hillary Stiff Speaking At HostingCon Global

Hillary Stiff will be speaking at HostingCon Global in San Diego on July 27.  Her panel will look at the changes in Hosting M&A in 2014 and 2015 and the trends that have been building to cause these changes.  Panelists include Ditlev Bredahl of OnApp, Liam Eagle of 451 Group, & Ted Chang of GoDaddy.

Please let us know if you will be attending as we'd be happy to get together.    

Author: Hillary Stiff is Managing Director of Cheval Capital. She has been an investment banker and CFO, completing M&A transactions and arranging financing for a number of companies including NTT/Verio, The Endurance International Group and Web.Com among many others. She has helped complete over 280 successful web hosting, ISP and related transactions and distributes a list of hosting and related companies that are for sale.

Hillary Stiff Speaking At HostingCon Europe

Hillary Stiff will be speaking at HostingCon Europe in Amsterdam on October 15.  The panel will look at Hosting Metrics and how they can help a hoster run their business, raise capital or get a better valuation when it comes time to sell.  The panel will also look at how a hoster can go about tracking the numbers necessary for such metrics.

Other panelists include Tenko Nikolov, CEO of Siteground and Erik Logtenberg, CEO of Vevida Services bv.

Please let us know if you will be attending as we'd be happy to get together.

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This turned out to be a great panel with Hillary Stiff (Managing Director of Cheval Capital), Ditlev Bredahl (CEO of OnApp), Joe Bardenheier (SVP of Endurance), Mike Jones (CFO of Softlayer), and Sumeet Sabharwal (SVP of Navisite.) There were no slides but David Snead posted a description of the panel with some of its key thoughts on his WHIR blog.  If you aren't aware of David Snead, he is a well regarded, Washington D.C. attorney that works exclusively with companies that provide the infrastructure supporting the internet and those who create and distribute products and services electronically.  His website is here.

Hillary Stiff & Frank Stiff